By Julie Cohen, PCC

Today is my son’s 18th birthday. I wrote him the below wishes and realize that these are relevant to leaders, and just about everyone!

1.    Surround yourself with and seek out people who are smarter than you.

2.    Assume there is always something to learn.

3.    Don’t stop listening to music. And expand your playlist always. In music, and all media.

4.    Use the word ‘fuck’ in a nuanced way. Overuse of this, or any curse, loses impact. Know when not to curse.

5.    When going into classrooms, meetings, auditoriums sit next to someone that doesn’t look like you, or dress like you, or is not the same age.

6.    Become friends with people significantly older than you. When you are older, become friends with people significantly younger than you.

7.    In meetings or group settings, don’t always say your idea first. Let others speak first who may not do so readily. You will learn from them.

8.    Surround yourself with words and books, and read all of the time. Learn new words every day. Don’t assume that ‘big words’ make you look smart. Don’t aim to look smart.

9.    Make sure you look up from your books, though, and talk about them with people who have different opinions than you.

10. Go to protests, make signs, show up for what is important to you and the community you want to create. Work to change laws and make new/better policies.

11. Vote in every election. Bring others with you.

12. Change your mind and your opinions. And know when not to.

13. Study/Major in what you are interested in, your career will develop.

14. Practice speaking up, listening more, being quiet and watching body language.

15. Make choices that are healthy for you, for those around you and for the world.

16. Learn at least one other language and use it regularly.

17. Worrying about something never makes it or you feel better. Figure out what you can change and what you can let go of.

18. Call/Text your Mommy! She’s always here for you.

What wishes do you have for an 18 year old? I’ll share them with my son!